We support LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs who are building a more equitable future for all.
people we've connected
supported companies
in funding raised
in economic value
Our Vision
We know politics, cultural mores and quite frankly, ignorance put LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs at a significant disadvantage, leading to massive underrepresentation. We will not rest until every LGBTQ+ entrepreneur has the support and the resources they need to fairly compete in today’s business world. We believe empowering LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs can unlock untapped business and economic value and become an essential driver of inclusivity and social progress.
Our Mission
StartOut accelerates the growth of the LGBTQ+ community to drive its economic empowerment, building a world where every LGBTQ+ entrepreneur has equal access to lead, succeed, and shape the workforce of the future.

Our Impact
Since 2009, we’ve been the champions for LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs. Over the last decade, we built up our membership and identified the most impactful programs. Now we are doubling down on the ones that have proven to work to massively increase our impact nationwide and make our community a force for good.
Our Team
We’re a team of dedicated professionals, volunteers, and mentors working behind the scenes day after day to guarantee that LGBTQ+ founders get a seat at the table. We come from different backgrounds and bring together diverse areas of expertise. We have joined forces to ensure that our members receive the support they need to grow their businesses.

Join StartOut
Since 2009, StartOut has built a community of over 26,000 members. Every year, we provide support to over 700 individual founders. We connect them to expertise, peers, community, and capital. This powerful combination of financial support, skills development, and community contributes to helping fuel innovation, wealth generation and equal access to economic opportunity. Join our growing community today.